Thursday, June 11, 2015

Paintball Wizard

The accuracy of a paintball gun depends on many factors. There is no one single element that can be tweaked or modified to improve accuracy; it is many elements all working together that leads to the best accuracy possible. Due to all these variables, and the fact that paintballs themselves are inconsistent makes it hard for the paintball enthusiast to shoot with confidence. But there are certain areas to be mindful of to tip the odds in your favor.

Paint Quality

This is the number one factor affecting accuracy. Accurate flight relies on consistent bore size, roundness and seam size. This is the one variable players have the least control over, and the variable that it most affected by the weather. Hot and cold weather play havoc with paintball consistency.


This is also a huge factor in accuracy,custom bobble head. You are looking for consistency here. The more consistent the pressure is in your gun the more consistent the velocity will be resulting in a better grouping of shots. Keep an eye on controlling the pressure of the high pressure air or CO2 gas used to operate your gun. Keeping your gun clean and well lubed will also help you get accurate results,personalized bobbleheads.


One of the most basic things you can control is making sure your gun is running at optimum performance every time you take the field. Make sure old lubricants are cleaned off the internals and that the seals are tight,personalized bobblehead. You want to ensure your gun fires the same way every time,Birdhouse Skateboards The Brand You Can Trust,personalized bobble heads. After each paintball session do a visual inspection to make sure all the moving parts are in order. No one else is going to check to make sure your gun is operating smoothly. It�s your responsibility,Get Personalized Fitting For Ski Boots, Which Include Custom Foot Beds, Stance Alignment, And Shell,personalized bobblehead.

Barrel Quality

For consistent contact between the barrel and the paintball the barrel should be smooth and free of scratches,Skateboarding Jackets � Complete Your Skateboarding Apparel,,. The barrel should also be true as it screws into the gun. The slightest variation could throw off the aim,customize bobblehead. Barrel materials come in a wide variety including brass, aluminum, stainless steel and carbon fiber. There are advantages and disadvantages for each material ranging from smoothness to cost,..

Barrel length and rifling are also two factors many consider as they pursue accuracy. First,customized bobbleheads, barrel length is a personal preference. Contrary to popular belief barrel length has nothing to do with accuracy. The same rules do not apply to paintballs as they do for bullets. Which is the same reason rifling doesn�t improve accuracy either.

Paintball gun accuracy is elusive. But with proper maintenance,custom bobbleheads, good paint quality,Washington Redskins Tickets Fletcher Balks At Lack Of Pro Bowl Invite,custom bobblehead, consistent velocity and a smooth barrel you can increase your odds at hitting what you�re aiming for.

With this new information you should be well on your way to paintball shooting success. There is no reason to participate if you can�t aim your barrel accurately,customize bobblehead. Isn�t the goal to hit the opponent,personalized bobble heads? With these tips you should be a �dead eye� out on that field,custom bobblehead. What are you possibly waiting for? Get out there today,custom bobblehead!

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