Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Straight Blazing ECW Report For 06 23 09

Stand Back,personalized bobble heads.. Theres a HURRICANE Coming Through!!

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to this weeks edition of Straight Blazin! This week we will, of course, be covering the June 23rd edition of ECW! Now coming off of the HIGHEST rated Raw in 3 years, ECW had to step it up. The last few weeks had been directed more towards The Hart Dynasty�s destruction of everyone and Christian�s tweener status. This week things are sure to heat up as we are just 5 days away from The Great American Bash.. That�s right.. I REFUSE to call it.. �Da Bash� But while on that subject here are my predictions for that PPV.

Womens Championship: Melina� v Michelle McCool

This match will be the time I most likely go for my bathroom break and go get a drink and do all that wonderful stuff,custom bobbleheads.. Michelle McCool has come along way and Melina isn�t a half bad wrestler.. But this match has NO interest for me whatsoever.. I predict that Michelle McCool will finally walk out with the gold though�

IC Title v Mask Match: Jericho� v Rey Mysterio

I don�t see them having Jericho lose the Intercontinental title mere weeks after winning it.. Plus with the acquisition of Don Caras Jr it make me wonder what they will do with Rey Minjurio.. I don�t see them unmasking him and taking that away from the fans because whether any of us like it or not Rey Mysterio is a huge draw for the WWE.. So look for Mysterio to lose his mask but not necessarily for good.. I think they give him a little bit of time off,Dallas Cowboys Tickets Romo In, Jones Talks Playoffs, Hype his return and have him feud with Don Caras Jr.

Unified Tag Titles: Priceless v The Colons�

My mind is screaming give the belts to Priceless.. Establish them as a tag team and make Legacy a stable to be reckoned with when Randy Orton retains and these two win the tag belts? This is a no brainer,personalized bobble heads.. I hope and pray Priceless walks away with the gold here

John Cena v The Miz

Best matchup of the night in my opinion,personalized bobbleheads.. Lots of heat going into this feud and an amazing buildup.. I think we see The Miz win and show John Cena putting over one of the best young wrestlers there is..

Scramble Match For ECW Title: Tommy Dreamer� v Jack Swagger vChristian v Finlay v Mark Henry

This is interesting since it seemed they would be doing the scrambles at the same PPV every year and doing three at once.. But since many people can score pinfalls I think Christian wins the last pinfall and they have him turn heel.. Im personally rooting for Jack Swagga!

World Heavyweight Championship Match: CM Punk� v Jeff Hardy

CM Punk will retain in this match.. Unless WWE really wants to have 3 title changes in 3 weeks.. I don�t think they do,Caricatures and Silhouettes, Therefore Punk gets a clean win over Hardy and continues his reign.

WWE Championship: 3 Stages of Hell: Randy Orton� v HHH

Does anyone care? Orton retains.. This feud is beating a dead horse�

Now on with ECW,customize bobblehead!!

Firstly before ECW does kick off.. Hurricane Helms.. Aka Gregory Helms was absolutely GOING OFF on his twitter about tonights ECW.. So I was already hyped up to see whats going on as they have been hinting at his return for the last few weeks. I am a Helms mark and I think its about TIME hes back on ECW as not a backstage announcer, If that is the case.

We kick off ECW with Evan Bourne! They roll a clip of Mark Henry smashing Evan Bourne like a fly last week and say how resilient he is to be participating tonight and how much of a warrior he is,personalized bobblehead. Good build up of Bourne after they had buried him the last few weeks. He is facing Tyson Kidd from The Hart Dynasty,personalized bobblehead.. What a matchup this should be as Matt Sydal(Evan Bourne) and TJ Wilson(Tyson Kidd) have faced each other many times in the past on the independent circuit. Should be a brutal high flying contest that will set a very nice pace for the show,personalized bobbleheads.

Mere seconds into the match David Hart Smith and Natalya are BANNED from ringside to make it a fair match by the ref. Evan Bourne wastes no time in exploiting this opportunity and taking to the air and taking out Tyson Kidd on the floor while he is arguing. This match was very fast paced and seen a lot of quick and high flying action from both of the superstars. Evan Bourne picks up the win after he hit�s the Shooting Star Press in the middle of the ring basically! Excellent little match but quite short as it lasted only about nine minutes
Match Rating: 3/5

Match Review
Way too short of a match for these two excellent athletes and superstars.. Would have loved to see them go for a little longer and atleast through a commercial break as it was good for the time it was given. Nice opening match!

Finlay is out next to fight and he is still using Hornswoggles music and he got a good reaction from the crowd despite his heel actions the week before,Best Plan B Skateboards � For Champions Like You!. Fit Finlay looks in good shape and ready to fight and he grabs the mic to cut a quick promo. He says how it was only an eye for an eye and there was nothing personal except that it was his revenge. Then Zach Ryder interrupts him and he says that the one eyed Finlay is overlooking the fact he has a match with Ryder tonight and then does that Woo Woo Woo thing and the crowd actually did it with him. Well some of them did atleast,A Road Map To A Successful Office Move..

This match is up after a quick commercial break and Zach Ryder finally getting a big time opponent and he is on the aggression for the most part of this match. He really needs a new outfit to wrestle in because I cant STAND that one legged pants thing he wears.. Zach Ryder does a good job working on the injured optical area,customized bobbleheads, as Stryker put it, and Finlay showing he can make ANYONE look good.

Zach Ryder continues his assault on Finlay til finally Finlay gets some momentum back. The whole time in this match Stryker nnd Matthews are hyping up the ECW Scramble match and the fact that Finlay is supposed to be in it and how healthy will he be when the match happens. Finlay lands some good kicks and clotheslines as well as an atomic drop to get back into things. He tosses Ryder around like a rag doll and he nails the Celtic Cross! But Ryder kicks out of it! Finlay then lays on the mat holding his eye like it is hurt as the ref checks on him, Ryder goes and removes the turnbuckle padding which makes the ref go over and yell at him and when Ryder walks back to Finlay he low blows him and then rolls him up and holds the tights to get a pinfall victory!
Match Rating: 3/5

Match Review
Solidifies what I say about Finlay being such a good veteran and making anyone look good as he made Zach Ryder look pretty decent. Nice little match that was about 10 mins long and served its purpose well.

Next up is a bloody 10 minute Raw Rebound.. Showing the wonderful events of Trump being kicked out as owner of Raw,customized bobbleheads.. A 3 stages of hell containing a stretcher match and a one fall match.. How awesome... *SARCASM ALERT* Also showing how HHH and Randy Orton feud JUST WONT DIE,,.. Please someone take this feud out back and end its misery.. Also shown was the superb last man standing match for the WWE title which was a draw.. Then we come back from that to have them preview The Great American Bash.. Though this is the second time in the episode they did a rundown for the PPV.. Go figure..

Matt Stryker is in the ring and he is trying to explain the Scramble match. Every 5 minutes a superstar enters the ring until all 5 men are in the ring. Once that happens pinfalls may occur and the title changes hands. When the time limit of the match is up, The current title holder will be the new champion no matter what, whoever had the last pinfall will be the new champion. Gregory Helms is in the back and is interviewing Mark Henry and they cut to a guy who is suddenly trapped down by a maintenance box and no one can lift it off of him. They cut back to show Mark Henry and Tony Atlas standing by themselves and when they cut to the guy trapped they show a masked super hero in green lifting the heavy box up like no problem! They cut back to Henry and there is Helms straightening his tie and asking Mark about his match tonight. Henry shakes his head and asks what the hell just happened and walks away,..


Main event time as Jack Swagga comes to the ring looking PUMPED and his tag partner makes his way to the ring looking like a Galapagos Turtle.. But anyways, Dreamer and Christian are out next and the main event kicks off with everyone involved BUT Finlay that�s in the scramble. Christian gets a huge pop despite the heel actions he showed the last few weeks as well. The match starts off with Christian and Swagga in the ring and here we go with a standard tag match!

We get a commercial break early in the match and honestly the match was moving at a snails pace so this was probably a good idea to do since it wasn�t real exciting. We come back to it and see Swagga and Christian in the ring again and Christian seems to be getting the upper hand and taking control of the match. It all turns and next thing you know Swagga is literally owning Tommy Dreamer while not the legal man and then Mark Henry is punishing him as well. Christian was on the outside looking hurt and Henry was making quick work of Dreamer in the ring.

Swagga comes in as the legal man and starts to take it to Dreamer until he gets that reversal he needs and we are now officially over the 11pm time limit for the second straight week! Christian gets the tag and he cleans house by taking Mark Henry out of the equation from the top rope. Its not enough to put him away and the match continues. He eliminates Swagga from the ring and goes to Henry who the tries the Worlds Strongest Slam and it gets reversed, Christian goes for a springboard roll up of some sort and theres a close count as Henry tries to banzai drop him. Swagga then gets the tag in and goes for the Gutwrench Powerbomb and its reversed and Christian nails the Killswitch! Atlas breaks up the pin and Henry drags Christian to the outside and runs him into the steel pole. Swagga nails a sick Gutwrench on him and picks up the victory for his team! What a HELL of an end sequence! Henry then nails the Worlds Strongest Slam on Swagga to show who the real deal is and he goes into The Great American Bash with the momentum!
Match Rating: 3.5/5

Match Review
Kinda a slow start but the end sequence MORE than made up for it,customize bobblehead.. An excellent little main event to really push the Scramble match this Sunday

Show Rating: B+

Stay tuned next week and always remember to STAY BLAZIN!!

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