Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bungee Jumping Why, You Ask

The first question that comes to mind for this particular extreme sport is,., �Why.� Why would you jump off a perfectly good bridge? Or crane? Or why would you jump off a platform? Or hot air balloon? The question that follows closely behind in the observer�s mind goes something like this � �Is that a rubber band tied to their feet?� The answer to the first is simple: To fly,personalized bobblehead, bounce and fly again. To we land based humans,Inline Skating � Tips On How To Fall When Inline Skating,custom bobblehead, the desire to soar through the air has been with us throughout history. Bungee jumping offers the sensation of flying from the initial free fall to the repeated rebounds. And, the answer to the second question is,custom bobblehead, well,customized bobbleheads, yes. It�s a rubber band!

Bungee jumping,custom bobbleheads, or some non elasticized form of it,Fiat 500 TwinAir Gets Green Award,personalized bobbleheads, has been documented for centuries. As far back as the Aztecs people have been plunging headlong into space with some sort of lifeline tied to their bodies. Back then it was vines � not much give I imagine. Today, the �rubber band� is actually much more that. It is thick pre stressed braids of latex shock cord. Most jump companies have added a body harness to the attachment fittings for added security. There have been injuries and fatalities, but they are very few considering the several million jumpers since its modern beginnings in 1979. All equipment is provided at the sites whether on a bridge or at a commercial jump site,customize bobblehead. Just bring your confidence,custom bobbleheads!

There are a couple of variations of bungee jumping around today. One starts you in the reverse position. That is,personalized bobbleheads,Article 34 Ecommerce Solution, you are on the ground with one end of the bungee attached to your harness and the other to a crane above. The cord is stretched and stretched and suddenly you are released from the ground to go flying straight up into the air. There are similar rebounds until your momentum wanes. Very thrilling reverse gravity experience! Another lighter than air simulation is the trampoline bungee. You jump normally on a trampoline while attached to a bungee from above. This gives you extra jumping power as the cords are tightened during your acrobatics.

There are many structures worldwide that are used for bungee jumping. These structures include bridges,customized bobbleheads, dams,personalized bobble heads, suspension bridges and towers and are destination sights in and of themselves. The world record for the highest bungee jump occurred at Macau Tower in Macau SAR China at the height of 760 feet. This is a tourist structure and the jump was off the observation deck. The official record keepers only consider jumps from fixed structures to insure accurate measurement. That being said,How To Find The Best Online Legal Advice UK,personalized bobblehead, a jump of 3,,,157 feet at full cord extension took place from a helicopter in Cancun.

The particular extreme sport is open to most people of reasonably good health. It does not require any special skills. However, you will find that the �skill� of releasing your hands before the jump will suddenly give your trouble. No practice or preparation is required so stay off the roof! Pack up your nerve and head off to the nearest bungee jumping location to experience the thrill of flying. The free fall is exhilarating as the wind whistles by and ground rushes up. Then you rebound again and again. Like most thrilling adventures,custom bobblehead, you will want to get back in line for that second jump!

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