Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Global Warming Skiing Places Affected

There�s already such a gung ho about global warming and its effects on the world. If we go by statistics, our planet will be submersed in water within next hundred years or so. The heat will kill us or if not us then definitely the generations to come. Isn�t the thought of world coming to an end because of reckless human behavior a sad and scary one? Forget future, global warming is old news with new developments every few months.

First it was unusually cold winters in the mountains, followed by decrease in the snow by few inches every year and later hazardous avalanches and glaciers melting. And now it has also started affecting adventure sports like heliskiing. I am talking about skiing destinations here. Imagine a billion dollar business crumbling slowly. As grave the situation might sound it is beyond repair.

It is believed that temperatures around the world will rise at an average 6 degrees Celsius within the next century. This is bad news for Ski resorts and the major reason why they have become so much interested in the affects of global warming. 6 degrees is a devastating fact for ski business as it entirely depends on freezing temperature to attract visitors.

Many ski resorts have already begun hiring environmental affairs specialists to come up with ways which can help them stay put in the business. What these specialists do is come up with ways to implement practices of water conservation and reducing green house emissions.

According to a study, approximately 50% of Swiss resorts face less snowfall which affects the overseas tourism drastically. North American and Australian ski resorts will be affected too. According to another study, Australia will have no ski resorts by 2070 because the situation will have gone out of hand by then.

The situation is grave and ski resorts cannot afford to sit and watch their businesses fail. Hence they have started working towards making their businesses survive. One resort doing this commendable work is Aspen in North America. They have given attention not only to aid the lowering of green house effect but also hired consultants who work with other ski resorts to 'go green.'

It is common knowledge that by reducing greenhouse emissions, snow level rises. This is good for ski business like catskiing as a result of which there is lot of money being invested in new venture. Some of the notable changes ski resorts are trying to make are as follows:

* Ski resorts are starting to put in compressed fluorescent lights in lieu of high wattage bulbs.
* They are also using extra paperless forms of record keeping to reduce the quantity of trees being cut down for paper sources.

Ski resorts are also persuading their guests to take part in energy management as they understand that it takes much human power to reduce the influences of global warming.

Global warming is irreversible. It is only a matter of time when the skiing sport sees its end.

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